Our AI-integrated Material

Hi everyone,

My classmates İrem Sıla Çimen, Murat Berkay Bozkurt and I developed an AI-focused material for high school preparatory classes, based on the "celebrities" unit in their books as a creative educational project.
As the pre-task, students needed to communicate with ChatGPT in order to learn more about selected celebrities.
ChatGPT was asked to create personalized profiles of the students' favorite celebrities for the target task.
Ultimately, they were able to carry out imaginary interviews through a post-task on "Notion.so", which encouraged both creativity and AI exploration.
This interactive approach demonstrated the potential of technology in educational facilities while also making learning about artificial intelligence entertaining. AI combined with the appeal of celebrities turned an ordinary lesson into an engaging journey for young minds.


Target task:
Sign up first by clicking here.
Then access the activity by clicking here.


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