Hi guys! We have finally come to the end of the term and it's time to summarize my thoughts about my experiences since the beginning of the term.

We have done many projects, used many tools and i have learned a lot. First of all (I always emphasize this) they have improved me a lot as someone who doesn't know technology well. I wasn't very good at editing videos, adjusting sound settings and designing. I think that i have learned what i need both as a student and as a teacher. Therefore, courses in which we do language-related digital works are absolutely necessary.

At first i thought it would be very difficult and boring but my prejudices were broken. I found it useful and entertaining especially in podcasting and PSA works as my speaking improved. I thought that technology is inevitable in English language teaching before i took this course, but after i experienced it myself, i understood better. My thoughts have evolved rather than changed. 

I have had the most fun while doing podcasting and PSA. Podcasting is something i have always wanted to do and i have had this opportunity. It has helped me a lot to socialize and communicate easily with people (we chose vox-pop with my peer). PSA was quite enjoyable as i like the aesthetic look and design. These two projects are very special to me as we spend a lot of time with my friends and get closer.

I guess i just got bored with the Wiki page work because writing is not really my thing. However, going to the Kadıköy Cinema amused me as i love watching movies. 

I think this course can be improved by leaving more options to the students. For example, we can choose our movies, books, pictures and subjects more. Taking photos is my hobby and i like to post lots of photos on my blog. Maybe there can be more projects related to our interests. 

In conclusion, it has been a course that i like in general and even if it is difficult, i have contributed something to myself in return. Apart from that, I have photographed some moments of the process we have passed since the beginning of the term and collaged them. I put the photo here too. Take care of yourselves!


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