I will talk about designing a digital poster. In this activity, we were asked to design either a magazine cover or movie poster and i chose the latter. I had to think of an author as a director and make a movie poster one of their books. We chose the actors ourselves and wrote quotes from the book on the poster. I chose my favorite book Crime And Punishment from my favorite author Fyodor Dostoevsky. I chose two actors that i think are compatible with each other.

Before explaining the application i use and what&how i do, i want to talk about the content. If you've read the book (even if you haven't, it's a world classic you should read before you die!) you know the dark theme that readers imagine and how pessimistic Raskolnikov is. Since the book mainly tells the happenings between Raskolnikov and Sonia, who has a life as dark as his, i designed a dark colored poster that reflects the two characters:

Click here to view it on Canva!

I totally used the Canva and took advantages of the poster examples there. In this app (as you can see in my poster) you can use many tools for free such as effects, fonts, stickers, photo settings...

As a teacher candidate and someone who loves design and aesthetic appearence, i would love for my future students to learn this kind of design works. I think that designing what they want will make them love the courses and this technological knowledge will come in handy in many areas of their life in future.


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